Training your model on teachable machine
Upload to teachable machine
Visit teachable machine and create a new image project (“standard image model”).
Create a class for each of your categories
Use the “Upload” button to add your training data for each category from the folders you created.
Make sure you “Save project to Drive”. If you don’t save it, the training data will be lost and you will have to do it all again.
Train the model
Hit the “Train Model” Button
Training time
How long did it take to train? How many images and categories did you have? Write this in your lab book.
Try it out on your laptop
Teachable machine will start a preview of your model running on your laptop. You can do some tests of the model right here to get an idea of how accurate it is.
How accurate is your model? Can you see any issues in your training data that are being reflected in the model?