TIP: You could use the sense hat interface only for this but you won’t see all the data coming in.

Connect with Termius

As before, connect to your Pi’s WiFi and use open Termius

This time use the “Hosts” section to connect. You will be shown a screen full of text


This is “command line” access to your Pi and gives you complete control. In this spot you will run commands that do advanced things. They can be hard to remember, so write them down if you need.

Take a look at the logs that are running right now

Try out this magic command

sudo journalctl -b -f -u interface.service

Start the glasses model

Using the Sense Hat interface, run the “g” command (lower case g). This will start up the prediction script which uses the camera to try and predict if it sees a person with glasses.

Checking the logs

Take a look at termius - you should see detailed information being shown about how the AI is working.

Start the numbers model

Do the same for the numbers model, which is started with command “n”. This model tries to read numbers (from 0 to 5 only!)

Record accuracy

How accurate was each model. Keep some records of their performance. For example, here are my notes about the glasses model.

All data was collected by writing numbers on a whiteboard

Trial Number Model’s Guess Pen Color
1 1 1 Green
2 2 2 Green
3 2 - Green
4 3 3 Green
5 4 1 Green
6 5 5 Green
7 4 1 Green
8 1 1 Black
9 0 0 Black
10 1 1 Black
11 2 2 Black
12 3 3 Black
13 4 1 Black
14 4 4 Black
15 5 5 Black
16 6 - Black


How is your cheatsheet going? You should have lots of little magic commands to remember now and they should all be organised in your Lab Book. Here is what my cheat sheet looks like at this point.

SAs please help.