Getting training data off

Using the instruction from a previous worksheet, find all the files you captured using Termius SFTP. If you used happy snaps, they will be in stem_club/happy snaps/, if you used training capture they will be in /stem_club/captures/

Categorise your training data

Now that you have all that training data, you need to categorise it. This is a job for a person, not a computer. You have to look at each and every image and decide what category it belongs to.

We recommend you create one folder for each category on a computer that has all the training images on it, and move each image to the right folder. This can take some time and you might want to split the job between group members.

You might also need to keep working on this between workshops - it is the most laborious part of creating an AI.


How long did it take you to categorise your data? How long would it take to categorise a million images?